Can I Make Money Selling Avon?

Is selling avon worth it 2019

There are several different things to consider when you are trying to decide, “Can I Make Money Selling Avon” When you sign up to become an Avon Representative, there are two different ways to earn money and make your business profitable.

Sign up to Sell Avon Now!

Is selling avon worth it 2019

Sign up to Sell Avon Now!

Is Selling Avon Worth It?

There are two different ways to earn money when you sign up to become an Avon Representative. You can earn $1000 or more in your first 90 days of becoming an Avon Representative with the Avon Kickstart Program. When you enter Avon Leadership, your earnings potential is limitless.

What is the Avon Kickstart Program?

The Avon Kickstart Program takes places within the first 90 days of becoming an Avon Representative. Within those first 90 days or seven campaigns, as long as you hit Avon’s Kickstart Goals, you will earn 40% on all Avon products you sell.

What if I miss an Avon Kickstart Goal?

Don’t worry. If you miss an Avon Kickstart goal, you will still earn money as an Avon Representative. Your earnings will be based on your sales. But you will always earn at least 20% on the Avon products you sell. Your earnings will increase as your sales increase.

How much money can I make as an Avon Representative?

The amount of money you can make as an Avon Representative is based on a variety of factors. It depends on how much time you plan to devote to selling Avon Products and whether you plan to enter into the Avon Leadership Program. When you choose to enter the Avon Leadership Program, your earnings potential is limitless. If you choose to focus on selling Avon, you can be guaranteed 40% earnings or more depending on how much you sell.

What is the Avon Leadership Program?

You can enter the Avon Leadership Program when you begin to recruit Avon’s representatives into your downline.

How much money can I make in Avon Leadership?

The amount of money you can make when you enter into Avon Leadership is limitless. When you add just one new Avon Representative into your downline, you begin to earn a percentage of their sales. When you add three representatives, you could be eligible to receive a $500 bonus depending on your team’s sales volume. This bonus is in addition any money you earn from your downline representatives’ sales.

How much money can I make selling Avon products?

If you choose to sell Avon Products and not enter the Leadership Program, you can advance Sales titles that will help you earn more money with Avon. The first sales title with Avon is President’s Club. When you achieve the President’s Club sales title, you are guaranteed 40% earnings, as well as receiving many other benefits.

Sign up to Sell Avon Now!

Can I Make Money Selling Avon? Stories from Successful Avon Representatives

Some Successful Avon Representatives put together a video to answer the question, “Is Selling Avon Worth It?”

When you sign up to sell Avon Online, you are guaranteed 40% earnings as long as you hit your Avon Kickstart goals.

If you do not meet your kickstart goals, you will still earn money as an Avon Representative. You are guaranteed at least 20% earnings on sales up to $150. Earnings increase as you sell more Avon Products.

Selling Avon – Is it Worth It – The Leadership opportunity

Can I Make Money Selling Avon? A chance to retire

The leadership opportunity when you sign up to sell Avon Online is very lucrative. You can build a business now that could sustain you and your family for the future.

Sign up to Sell Avon Now!

How to Sign up to Sell Avon Online – 3 simple steps


You can also type in and use reference code jennfrancis. When you get to the screen, click “sign up.”

Follow the on screen instructions

Begin by entering your name, email address and desired password. Then click continue.

Fill in your personal information

Avon will ask you for information like your address and phone number. Providing Avon with your social security number is only necessary if you are seeking a credit line with Avon

Choose your free gift

There are three free gift options to choose from. Each is worth over $80!

Complete your payment

It costs $30 to become an Avon Representative. Complete your payment and be sure to keep your account number and e-store web address handy. You can begin sharing your e-store immediately!

Sign up to Sell Avon Now!

Is Selling Avon Worth It? Here’s my story.

When I signed up to become an Avon Representative, I was exploring ways to save extra money to take my family of five on vacation twice a year. This is what Avon has done for me. What could it do for you? I love how I can Sell Avon Online using Social Media and I’ll show you how to too.

How to Buy Avon Online

Did you know you can PURCHASE ONLINE? Here is a quick tutorial on how you can SHOP ONLINE.

Avon products

Avon Products come in nine categories:

  1. Makeup
  2. Skincare
  3. Bath and Body
  4. Perfume, Cologne and Fragrance
  5. Jewelry
  6. Fashion
  7. Wellness
  8. Men
  9. Outlet – Discount Products! SALE!!

Jennifer Francis is a National Leader with Avon and the founder of Timeless Beauty Life – where she encourages people to create their own lifestyle that is timeless by creating memories that last a lifetime.

Jennifer is tied for number one in the country for personal leader development – where she develops her team members and helps them to make more money in their Avon business.

She loves giving back to the world around her and encourages her team to do the same, while simultaneously showing them how to create a lifestyle that is more open to making memories with family and traveling.

You can Find her on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest or join the growing community of people and discuss how to create YOUR own Timeless Beauty Life. The Timeless Beauty Life Facebook community offers travel tips, organizational tips, recipes, family tips, beauty tips, health tips and so much more. Come discuss YOUR passions with us by Joining the Timeless Beauty Life Facebook Group.

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