Avon Online Brochure – How to Share It

Avon Online Brochure

The Avon Online Brochure is one of the most powerful tools of an Avon Representative. When used correctly, you can use it to increase your earnings by decreasing a portion of your expenses.

Unfortunately, the Avon Online Brochure is sometimes the most under-utilized tool provided to reps. Some representatives don’t know that they have an e-brochure and others haven’t been successful with marketing it with their clients. Hopefully, by the end of this, you will know how to send your e-brochure to your customers and be equipped with different ways of marketing your online catalog.

Avon Online Brochure

Benefits of Your Avon Online Brochure

Your Avon Online Brochure is a powerful tool simply because it is 100% free. Many network marketing companies charge distributors a monthly fee to operate their personalized e-store. When you become an Avon Representative, your e-store is included in your $30 start-fee. That’s a steal! What this means is that you can share your online brochure to as many people as you want – as many times as you want – 100% for FREE!

Furthermore, when your customers shop your online store, they can choose to add a paper brochure to their first order COMPLETELY FOR FREE! Picture this: You send out a link to your Avon online brochure and one of your contacts places an order. Then they receive a paper brochure with their order for FREE. This saves YOU money because if you have enough of your customers ordering through your e-store, it sharply decreases the number of brochures that you have to purchase and keep on hand. Bonus: your customer ALSO gets a paper brochure they can flip through.

Where is my Online brochure located?

All representatives can find their individual online brochure by navigating to their e-store. Once there, you can click on “THE BOOK”. This will bring up all of the current online brochures, including the Outlet Brochures . When you get to the page, you can copy the URL and paste it into messages to be sent to all of your contacts.

How to Market Your Online Brochure

So now you know WHY you should be using your online brochure and you know where to find it, but HOW should you be using it? Here are a list of ways your online brochure can be used and different apps that can help benefit your new online business.


Have you ever heard of a book toss? You know, where you toss old brochures in different driveways and yards hoping to get new customers? How much money in old brochures do you think you have spent when you have done this? And how many customers have you received?

What if you could do a DIGITAL book toss? If you have an Iphone, you can navigate to your online brochure and share it via Airdrop to others who are sharing the same Wifi signal. AND – it is 100% free.

What if you are talking to a potential customer and don’t have any books on you? You can (and SHOULD) share your brochure with your customer this way!

Iphone Address Book

Did you know when you create a contact for yourself in your Iphone, it automatically creates an MyCard for you? Guess what this is? It’s a FREE digital business card!! There are many different places you can put information in your MyCard. Mine includes my contact information, my social media links, my e-store link, and, you guessed it, my e-brochure link. I have also included the coupon code in my notes so that when I am out and about talking to new customers the conversation goes something like this.

“Have you seen an Avon brochure lately? You should check out the Anew products on page 23. They’re on sale right now. Oh, I almost forgot, I’ve got a coupon code for 10% off. What’s your phone number, let me text it to you.”

I then send them the MyCard via text message and I have their contact information for follow up. Win, Win!

Avon Online Brochure


Have you ever had the unfortunate luck of being on a group text message? Let me tell you a little secret. I HATE group text messages – especially ones I have been added to without my consent. My phone goes off enough. So, you can bet your boots that if someone includes me in a group text message that includes a copy of their e-brochure, not only will I NOT be looking at it or buying from it, I’ll likely be blocking that person too.

As an Avon Lady, though, I have so many contacts I want to send my brochure to every campaign. I mean, we are supposed to constantly be sharing our business with new people, right? But, who has time to text all of those people individually? It gets so time consuming and, let’s face it, most of us are doing this as a “side-gig.”

Enter TextWiz. Text Wiz is an Iphone app that allows you to send a mass text message to a group of people. The difference between using TextWiz and a mass group text message? Not everyone receives the replies. So when you send a mass text using TextWiz, it appears as though you are sending an individualized text message. And when your customer responds, it will go only to you. And when you respond to that response (say that three times fast!), it will only go to your customer who replied. Super big time saver!

Here’s an example of something you might send and attach your online brochure at the bottom.

Hey there! It’s Jenn, your local Avon lady. Wanted to send you a copy of the latest brochure. Make sure you check out the Glimmersticks on page 42. They’re on sale – you don’t want to miss it. And the new lipstick on page 40 is TO DIE FOR! Click the link below to shop and let me know if you have any questions.

Facebook and Social Media

Here’s one you have to be careful with. You see, when people log on to social media, they are logging on for entertainment. They don’t want to see a nonstop advertisement as they scroll their newsfeed. And Facebook knows this – so they have updated their algorithms to combat it. You can post lots of advertisements, but more than likely, people will stop seeing them, because Facebook will stop showing it in your friend’s newsfeeds.

Think about it, when you are watching a television station, if you came across a station that played nothing but commercials, you would change the channel. So you have to treat your social media like it’s your own television network. Follow the 80/20 rule – 80% personal content and 20% the sell. Go ahead and brush up on some social selling tips if you need more clarification.

That being said, if done during the 20% sell time, posting your brochure on social media can be effective. Be sure to add some personal content or pictures before including your link.

Facebook Messenger marketing

Possibly due, in part, to the rampant spammy selling posts dominating social media, it appears as though Facebook is changing it’s structure again. According to Avon’s Social Selling Guru, Scott Kramer, the new structure will be mainly focused on groups and messenger. So it may be a good time to start making it a habit to send you e-brochure to your customers via Facebook Messenger. But this can encounter the same issues as texting – group messages are annoying, but it’s time-consuming to send out individual messages.


Manychat is a Facebook messenger robot that can send out mass messages from business pages to clients who subscribe. Replies come back only to the business page. And the page can communicate individually with customers who need further clarification. You can even schedule these messages to be sent out at an opportune time. You can copy and paste a link to your e-brochure in this feature as well.

Email Marketing

You can also send out your e-brochure link via email simply by copying and pasting. But, again, it can be cumbersome to send it out to so many contacts individually and it is not ideal for your customers to send it out in a mass group email.

There are dozens of email marketing programs on the market that will allow you to automate and mass distribute your e-brochure. My favorite is MailChimp due to it’s free version. With the free version of MailChimp you can opt in 2000 contacts and send out 12,000 emails per month completely for free. It is optimized to connect to other popular platforms allowing you to integrate all of your different marketing efforts.

Get this 40% off when you Become an Avon Representative

There are so many reasons to become an Avon Representative, but you have to decide for yourself, Is Selling Avon Worth it? When you sign up to become a representative, you can make $1000 in 90 days with Avon’s Kickstart program. You can also learn how to Sell Avon Online using Social Media and begin sharing your new business with your closest family and friends. Did you know Avon offers a free website so that you can get started sharing immediately?

Sign up to Sell Avon Now!

Is Selling Avon Worth It? Here’s my story.

When I signed up to become an Avon Representative, I was exploring ways to save extra money to take my family of five on vacation twice a year. This is what Avon has done for me. What could it do for you? I love how I can Sell Avon Online using Social Media and I’ll show you how to too.

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Jennifer Francis is a National Leader with Avon and the founder of Timeless Beauty Life – where she encourages people to create their own lifestyle that is timeless by creating memories that last a lifetime.

Jennifer is tied for NUMBER ONE in the country for personal leader development – where she develops her team members and helps them to make more money in the company. She helps other representatives with free tips and training in her Facebook Group Timeless Beauty Lessons.

The Hailey Hugs Initiative

She is also the founder of the Hailey Hugs Initiative, which seeks to provide comfort to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. She is the Author of A Hug Through the Air – a children’s book she wrote in memory of her 22 month old daughter Hailey Hallam.

Jennifer loves giving back to the world around her and encourages her team to do the same, while simultaneously showing them how to create a lifestyle that is more open to making memories with family and traveling.

Connect with Jennifer Francis

You can Find her on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest or join the growing community of people and discuss how to create YOUR own Timeless Beauty Life. The Timeless Beauty Life Facebook community offers travel tips, organizational tips, recipes, family tips, beauty tips, health tips and so much more. Come discuss YOUR passions with us by Joining the Timeless Beauty Life Facebook Group.

About Avon

New Avon LLC* (“Avon”) is the leading social selling beauty company in North America, with independent sales Representatives across the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada. Avon’s product portfolio includes award-winning skincare, color cosmetics, fragrance and personal care products, featuring iconic brands such as ANEW, Avon Color, mark., and Skin So Soft, as well as fashion and accessories. Avon has a 130 year history of empowering women through economic opportunity, and the company also proudly supports efforts to end breast cancer and domestic violence.

More About the Company

This is the company that puts mascara on lashes and food on tables. That fights wrinkles with one hand and breast cancer with the other. That knows the value of a perfect lip, but still opens its mouth and speaks out against domestic violence and for women’s financial independence. This is the company that not only brings beauty to doors, but also opens them. This is Avon. The company that for over a century has stood for beauty, innovation, optimism and, above all, for women.

What Avon Does for Women

Everyday, Avon brings beauty to the lives of women. At Avon, beauty means more than finding the right lipstick shade for a customer. It means providing an earnings opportunity so a woman can support her family; and championing causes that matter to many women – eradicating breast cancer and ending domestic violence.

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