Five Minute Skincare Routine

Have you been thinking about ways you can take better care of yourself? Have you starting thinking about trying to reverse the signs of aging? Or maybe you just want to keep your skin looking rejuvenated and young?

So when should you get started? Is there a time that’s too early to start taking care of your skin?

The answer is…..YESTERDAY!

Lots of people wait until they spot a problem and then they decide it’s time to start taking care of themselves. But that may not be the best way! Just like you shouldn’t wait until you have health problems to start exercising and eating healthy, you should wait until you notice signs of aging to start taking care of your skin. Your age doesn’t matter! Age is not a skin type! (Surprise!!!)

So, whatever your goal may be for your skin, the important thing is to start – RIGHT NOW! So let’s get you started with an easy to follow routine that will take you just five minutes and six simple steps.

1. Start with a good cleanser.

Washing your face is the first and most essential step to any skincare routine. Since our skin comes in contact with so many environmental factors, such as dirt and pollutants, that it’s obviously necessary to cleanse the skin to remove them. But there is such a thing as washing your face TOO much. Too much washing will dry out your skin and leave you stripped of the essential oils your body produces to help heal and protect you. The right formula will cleanse your skin without stripping you of these essential oils. Take it easy on exfoliating scrubs – maybe use them once a week or even less and just use a good, reliable cleanser. Click the button below to download your very own skincare guide. Enter your information to get the personalized quiz emailed to you!


2. Find a Toner – or better yet, a Serum

When I think of toner, I think of those harsh astringents from twenty plus year’s ago. You almost winced the entire time you were applying them to your skin. Current toners – now often referred to as serums – are think liquids that contain powerful nutrients that will help your skin absorb your moisturizer (see next step) and, better yet, it will help keep your makeup stay put.

The time to apply serums is immediately after cleansing and right before using your moisturizer. You can use your favorite serum morning and night. Click the button below and fill out the form to download a quiz that will give you the best skincare routine for you!


3. Get Yourself A Good Moisturizer


As expected – the basic function of a moisturizer is to soften and hydrate the skin. Moisturizers help prevent water loss through the outer layers of the skin and help compliment the naturally found protective oils within the skin. Doctors recommend using a good moisturizer every day of the year and they advise individuals of all ages and skin types to be using moisturizer. As we age, skin can lose moisture and regular daily activities often strip us of moisture in our face. It’s always a good rule of thumb to use a different moisturizer in the morning than at night. Good, effective daytime moisturizers are packed with SPF to help protect your skin from the harmful atmospheric elements that bring on premature aging. Night-time moisturizers pack in the moisture and help heal your skin as you sleep. Find the right moisturizer for you by clicking below to take our skincare quiz.

FYI – here is how I implement my super easy skincare routine – which takes me about five minutes every night. Think you don’t have time to get it done? I’m a busy mom and in this video, I’ll give you a little tip on how I find time for skincare every night.

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