Dessert Recipe – Caramel Apple Dessert Recipe

Are you looking for an easy dessert recipe with few ingredients? This week on Great Groceries we’ve got the recipe for you! This caramel apple dessert recipe is to DIE for! It will taste like you spent HOURS in the kitchen chopping and peeling and baking – but it literally only takes a couple of minutes to throw this treat together. Here’s how to do it.

21 oz can apple pie filling

6 oz caramel sauce 1/2 most jars

1 box yellow cake mix swap for spice cake mix if you prefer

1 cup melted unsalted butter 2 sticks of butter

Preheat oven to 350 and dump the canned apples into a prepared 13×9 dish. Drizzle caramel sauce over the apples and sprinkle dry cake mix on top. Spread the cake mix to cover the wet ingredients and put melted Buttler on top. Bake 40 – 50 minutes or until golden

Make this super simple Easy Caramel Dessert recipe this week for your family! Or serve it at your next holiday party!

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